syrian arab republic

Assad Regime Machinery of Death Worst Since the Nazis

What the Syrian people want?

Stop the Massacre “SYRIA”

syria civil war assad massacre children

Article: U.S.: Assad’s ‘Machinery of Death’ Worst Since the Nazis

Syria’s Torture Machine – Bashar al-Assad

These photos are very graphic but they are real!  The world needs to know!  You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know. If the photos disgust you, please help to spread the awareness of the Syrian’s Suffering.


“We don’t kill our people,” President Bashar al-Assad said in an American television interview (20/20 Barbara Walter). “No government in the world kills its people unless it’s led by a crazy person.”


Syria President Al-Assad’s Horrendous Torture


Syria widespread acts of brutality against its own citizens


Syria Assad Regime Torture War Crimes


Syrian protestors suffer physical violence, strangulation, homicide, shootings and general assaults


assad syria crimes children


Syria systematic brutality on an industrial scale


Syria’s torture on an industrial scale


Syria Bashar al-Assad the Torture Machine


Syria Assad's torture chambers, age is of no consequence


Syria Assad Regime extreme brutality and killing


President Bashar al-Assad told Barbara Walter: “No government in the world kills its people unless it’s led by a crazy person.”


Syria’s torture machine
By Jonathan Miller, The Observer, December 13, 2011 – See more at:

Bashar al-Assad Systematic Gross Human Rights Violations

“A picture is worth a thousand words!” The record is so self-evident that no one should have any series doubts that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his forces have committed crimes against humanity, war crimes, and gross violations of international human rights. Unfortunately, the Syrian news, videos, photos, and updates on Syrian’s death and violence never make international news.

assad torture syria war crimes children

assad torture syria war crimes death toll

assad torture syria crimes barrel bombing

assad torture syria war crimes bashar

assad torture syria crimes bombing mass graves

assad torture syria war crimes chemical attack

assad torture syria war crimes chemical weapon

assad torture syria crimes massacre

assad torture syria crimes murder children

assad torture syria crimes starvation

Syria President Bashar al-Assad

#Syria #ASSAD #AssadCrimes #AssadWarCrimes #AssadGenocide #AssadHolocaust #syria_crisis #syria_conflict #syriacivilwar #torture #syrian_torture #syrian_refugees #childrenofsyria #Damascus #Aleppo #homs #Idlib #hama #basharassad #UN #NO2VETO #TortureReport #FreeSyria #FSA #Assad #Syrian_refugees #savethechildren #humanrights #AllLivesMatter #savesyriachildren #JeSuisCharlie #CharlieHebdo #massacre #genocide #holocaust #warcrimes #Syrie #FSA #Syrianrefugees #Jordan #ParisMarch #SyrianChild #Islam #UnityMarch #holocaust #Holocaust #HolocaustRemembranceDay #HolocaustMemorialDay #Auschwitz70 #SaveTheRest #SaveSyria #PeaceForSyria #SyriaCrisis #Douma #Douma_Exterminated

Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Civil War

Use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Civil War has been confirmed by the United Nations. The deadliest attacks were the Ghouta attack in the suburbs of Damascus in August 2013 and the Khan al-Asal attack in the suburbs of Aleppo in March 2013. Several other attacks have been alleged, reported and investigated.

A U.N. fact-finding mission and a UNHRC Commission of Inquiry have simultaneously investigated the attacks. The U.N. mission found likely use of the nerve agent Sarin in the case of Khan Al-Asal (19 March 2013), Saraqib (29 April 2013), Ghouta (21 August 2013), Jobar (24 August 2013) and Ashrafiyat Sahnaya (25 August 2013). The UNHRC commission later confirmed the use of Sarin in the Khan al-Asal, Saraqib and Ghouta attacks, but did not mention the Jobar and the Ashrafiyat Sahnaya attacks.That Sarin was used in Khan al-Asal was also the conclusion of the Russian investigation of the attack.

The UNHRC commission also found that the Sarin used in the Khan al-Asal attack bore “the same unique hallmarks” as the Sarin used in the Ghouta attack and indicated that the perpetrators likely had access to chemicals from the Syrian Army’s stockpile.

The victims’ symptoms described by medics – were consistent with exposure to a nerve agent, including shortness of breath, disorientation, runny nose, eye irritation, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, and eventual loss of consciousness.

Syria Assad Regime chemical attack on civilians

Assad Syria War chemical attack

Syria Assad regime chemical sarin nerve agent

Syria Assad Regime's chemical weapon

 Syria Assad regime's chemical weapons stockpile

Syria chemical agent use: sarin nerve agent

Syria Assad Chemical Attack War Crime

Syria Assad chemical weapons attack allegation

Syrian chemical weapons massacre

Syrian Civil War - Chemical Attack by Assad regime

Chemical weapons used by Syria president Bashar al-Assad against his own people

Syria chemical attack: What we know

Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Civil War

Ghouta chemical attack

Syria Ghouta Damascus, Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

Syria President Bashar al-Assad War Crimes

The UN investigation into the chemical attacks in Ghouta was published on 16 September. The report stated that “the environmental, chemical and medical samples, we have collected, provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent sarin were used in Ein Tarma, Moadamiyah and Zamalka in the Ghouta area of Damascus”

The inspectors were able to identify several surface-to-surface rockets at the affected sites as 140mm BM-14 rockets originally manufactured in Russia and 330mm rockets probably manufactured domestically. U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called the findings “beyond doubt and beyond the pale,” and a clear evidence of a war crime.

Based on analyses of the azimuths provided by the UN report, Human Rights Watch and The New York Times concluded the rockets that delivered the sarin were launched from areas under government control. Specifically, the inspectors listed the precise compass directions of flight for two rocket strikes and these pointed to the government’s elite centre in Damascus, Mount Qasioun.

Syria Ghouta Damascus Chemical Attack

Syria Ghouta Damascus Chemical Attack

Syria Ghouta Damascus Chemical Attack

Syria Ghouta Damascus Chemical Attack

Syria Ghouta Damascus Chemical Attack

Syria Ghouta Damascus Chemical Attack

Ghouta Damascus, Syria Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

Ghouta Damascus, Syria Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

Ghouta Damascus, Syria Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

Ghouta Damascus, Syria Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

Ghouta Damascus, Syria Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

Ghouta Damascus, Syria Chemical Attack by Assad Regime

UN investigation of chemical weapons use in Ghouta

Syria Bashar al-Assad

VETO – Assad Horrendous Crimes Against his own People

Published on Sep 8, 2013

VETO is a short film sheds light on the current Syrian Revolution and the circumstances behind the transformation from peaceful movement to an armed revolution. VETO takes you through the last three and a half years of this unbearable suffering with over 200,000 Syrian victims and more than 9 million displaced people, and a clueless world about how to stop this horrendous crime! VETO was made in 2012 and was nominated for the Documentary of The Year Award in Germany 2013 and was highlighted by several international media outlets.

VETO est un petit film qui nous éclaire un peu sur la révolution syrienne et les circonstances qui l’ont faite passer d’un mouvement pacifiste à une révolution armée. VETO vous emmène le long de ces 3 1/2 années de souffrances insupportables avec plus de 200’000 victimes syriennes et plus de 9 million de personnes déplacées et un monde désemparé sur la manière de stopper ces crimes horribles ! VETO a été réalisé en 2012 et nominé aux oscars 2013 du film documentaire de l’année en Allemagne et a été remarqué par plusieurs media internationaux.

يلقي هذا الفيلم القصير الضوء على الثورة السورية والظروف وراء تحولها من حركة سلمية إلى ثورة مسلحة، ويأخذك الفيلم
خلال سنوات الثورة ليرصد المعاناة التي اودت يحياة أكثر من 100،000 سوري و تشرد أكثر من 5 ملايين شخص و مازال المجتمع الدولي متفرجا و متناسيا مهمته في وقف هذه الجريمة النكراء و قد رشح هذا الفبلم لجائزة افضل فيلم وثائقي في مهوجان سينما من اجل السلام في ألمانيا في عام 2013 وكان قد نال اهتمام خاص من قبل العديد من وسائل الإعلام العالمية…

Music: “Buyer Beware” by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard (Google Play • iTunes • AmazonMP3)
Artist: Hans Zimmer
Category: News & Politics

#Syria #ASSAD #AssadCrimes #AssadWarcrimes #AssadGenocide #AssadHolocaust #syria_crisis #syria_conflict #syriacivilwar #torture #syrian_torture #syrian_refugees #childrenofsyria #Damascus #Aleppo #homs #Idlib #UN #NO2VETO

Syrian conflict an “extraordinarily brutal war”

Russia and China veto UN move to refer Syria to international criminal court

The 65 countries condemned “widespread violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed in a pervasive climate of impunity by the Syrian authorities and pro-government militias as well as by non-state armed groups”.

Russia has been one of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s main allies and has used its veto power four times at the 15-nation Security Council to prevent international sanctions on Syria.

“This was an opportunity for the world to stand up for justice for the Syrian people. Russia and China’s actions in preventing this are indefensible.”

The killers, destroyers and the torturers in Syria have been empowered and emboldened by the international paralysis…

10,000 Syrian children killed in civil war

Boston Bombing is routine in Syria

Assad back to bombing civilians

Since Oct. 20 the Syrian military has staged at least 769 attacks including barrel bombings in many areas of Syria, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Bombing runs by the Syrian air force during the past 10 days have killed at least 221 civilians, a third of them children

Assad back to bombing civilians

Assad’s Regime Chemical Attack on his own people

Ghouta chemical attack on 21 August 2013
The Ghouta chemical attack occurred on 21 August 2013 during the Syrian Civil War, when several opposition-controlled or disputed areas of the Ghouta suburbs of the Markaz Rif Dimashq district around Damascus, Syria, were struck by rockets containing the chemical agent sarin. Hundreds were killed in the attack, which took place over a short span of time in the early morning. Estimates of the death toll range from ‘at least 281 to 1,729 fatalities, not less than 51 of whom were rebel fighters. The incident may be the deadliest use of chemical weapons since the Iran–Iraq War.

Doctors Without Borders who were operating three hospitals in the eastern Damascus region, which received roughly 3,600 patients over less than three hours on after the attack.

Vomiting, foamy salivation, severe agitation, dyspnea, neurological convulsions, respiratory and heart failure, blood out of the nose and mouth and, hallucinations, memory loss, headaches and nausea, foam coming out of [victims’] mouths and noses, a smell something like vinegar and rotten eggs, suffocation, bodies [that] were turning blue, a smell like cooking gas and redness and itching of the eyes, convulsions, excessive saliva, pinpoint pupils, blurred vision, respiratory distress, muscle spasms and frothing at the mouth. People who were sleeping in their homes [who] died in their beds.

Ghouta chemical attack

Syrian government carry out chemical attac on civilians

Read more articles:

Everything you need to know about Syria’s chemical weapons

Ghouta chemical attack

Assad: Terrorize the society and dry up the revolution

Syrians are being plucked off the street by Syrian security forces and paramilitaries and being ‘disappeared’ into torture cells.

“This is a deliberate strategy to terrorise families and communities – the panic of not knowing whether your husband or child is alive breeds such fear that it silences dissent.

Conflict in Syria

Read more articles:
85,000 persons forcibly disappeared in Syrian prisons

Up to 28,000 Syrians have ‘disappeared’ since uprising began

There is no place left here for the regime after what they did to Hamza. Hamza Ali al-Khateeb was only 13 years old.
“His head was swollen, purple and disfigured. His body was a mess of welts, cigarette burns and wounds from bullets fired to injure, not kill. His kneecaps had been smashed, his neck broken, his jaw shattered and his penis cut off.